Please help us build a robot for our 2023-2024 competition season!

Every year, we build a robot for the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC). FIRST, the organization that runs the competition, designs a new game each year, and our job is to build a robot accordingly. It costs a lot of money to build a robot and given that ours will be around 5 feet tall and 120 pounds, we will need $9,000 for robot parts alone. 

  • For $20, we can buy a motor to run our robot.
  • For $50, we can buy aluminum rods and other structural pieces.
  • For $100, we can buy a programmable Raspberry Pi computer for electronics.

During the 2022-2023 season, we competed with a lot of enthusiasm and were thrilled to be presented with the much coveted "Gracious Professionalism" award. Thanks to those who donated last year, we were able to purchase all of the necessary resources that led to our success and have been able to afford to move into a larger work space. 

The money we raise throughout the season not only goes towards building the robot, it also goes towards paying for rent, team events, and competition fees. Any amount of money would help us, so please consider donating!

For more information about our team, visit, or contact us at [email protected].


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